Empress of the Garden
by G. Michael Shoup

Empress of the Garden
by G. Michael Shoup
Gardens should never stop teaching their gardeners. In Empress of the Garden, G. Michael Shoup shares 30 years of practical and poetic wisdom. Learn the growth habits and personalities of dozens of different antique or old garden roses. Novices as well as seasoned rosarians will appreciate Shoup’s advice on the many aspects of growing roses.
Mike Shoup gathers roses here not strictly by formal classes but by the nature of their usefulness as landscape plants. As owner of the Antique Rose Emporium Inc., Mike has created a business that has made these roses available to gardeners through mail order and a retail garden center in Independence, Texas. He uses this experience to profile the best roses for their proven and most excellent garden use. Among each rose personality profile, not only are there numerous (over 400) sumptuous photographs, but also descriptive captions and side-bars that instruct the reader on how to best achieve the results seen. Expert advice on: 150 Most Useful Rose