Beautiful No-Mow Yards: 50 Amazing Lawn Alternatives

Beautiful No-Mow Yards: 50 Amazing Lawn Alternatives

What has your perfect green lawn done for you lately? Is it really worth the time, effort, and resources you lavish on it? Armed with encouragement, inspiration, and cutting-edge advice from award-winning author Evelyn Hadden, you can liberate yourself at last!

In this ultimate guide to rethinking your yard, Hadden showcases dozens of inspiring, eco-friendly alternatives to that demanding (and dare we say boring?) green turf. Trade your lawn for a lively prairie or replace it with a runoff-reducing rain garden. Swap it for an interactive adventure garden or convert it to a low-maintenance living carpet.

About the Author
Evelyn Hadden writes and speaks about nature-friendly, soul-satisfying landscapes. She founded the informational website LessLawn in 2001. Her garden memoir Apprentice to a Garden chronicles the joys, challenges, and life lessons of transforming her urban yard into a naturalistic landscape. The photo-rich Shrink Your Lawn: Design ideas for any landscape presents many ideas and illustrations from her talks and won a silver medal from Independent Publisher's 2009 Living Now Book Awards.

Evelyn is a founding member of the national Lawn Reform Coalition, a resource for ecologically sound lawns and lawn alternatives. She gardens in Minnesota and travels across the country visiting gardens and speaking to other gardeners about eco-friendly landscaping with less lawn.