Cannabis Sativa Volume 3: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains

by S. T. Oner

Cannabis Sativa Volume 3: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains

Cannabis Sativa Volume 3: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains

by S. T. Oner

The third volume in the best-selling series featuring the world’s finest Cannabis sativa strains.

Marijuana plants are classified into two species: indica and sativa. This book focuses on sativa, an especially tall and potent species of the Cannabis plant that true connoisseurs love not only for its psychedelic high, but also for the interesting challenges its size presents to growers. No other strain guide has looked at Cannabis sativa in such depth, with profiles of both emerging seed breeders and established cannabis seed companies. With details on 100 strains of amazing sativa dominant genetics, features on breeders from around the globe, and more pictures of marijuana than all other strain guides put together, this is a must-have guide for connoisseurs and growers looking to expand their knowledge about the plant and the genetics in their gardens.

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